

9 Points Of Global Marketing Depends On Sequence Planning Of Computer Expert Manger

When we review the factors contributing to complexity in organizations and the advances in management that permit the application of the system approach,it becomes clear that vital changes lie ahead for the manger.
Here I am trying to give an idea about 9 Points Of Global Marketing Depends On Sequence Planning Of Computer Expert Manger . 
1.Changes of Moods:-
we know that the future will bring changes and that the changes will occur at an accelerated rate.
2.Product on MIS:-
These changes will require more information more knowledge about our product,our customer, and about alternative ways to improve our effectiveness.
3.Requirement producers:-
The requirement for more information will necessitate new methods and new procedures for gathering,retrieving,and evaluating this information for making vital decisions.
4.Technical Discussion:-
Provide either a technical discussion or an in-depth treatment of the hardware or the operation of a computer.We believe that such an exposure is not essential for the manger-user. Just as the driver of an automobile can operate the vehicle without a sophisticated engineering knowledge of its engine,the manger can be quite closely involved in MIS design without a technical background in computer operation.
5.Processing of information:-
Some familiarity with the computer and its role in the processing of information is desirable. The objective of the chapter is to explain the elements and operation of the computer sufficiently so that the manger-user can participate in systems deign.To do this,the manger should be able to accomplishment of his or her operational effectiveness.A secondary purpose is the help close the understanding and appreciation'gap'between mangers and computer professionals.The approach will be by analogy, making the transition from the commonplace and easily understood manual system to the more complex computer application.
6.Sequence Planning:-
The relationships among tasks must be set forth by a chronological ordering,starting with the terminal task of the project and working backward.As each task is set down,it is necessary to determine what immediately preceding tasks must first be completed.When a network of events has been established, estimates of the time required to complete each even,based upon the work package information, may be entered.
7.Management decisions:-
There are a number of time paths through a network that run from the starting event to the terminal event.The longest is called the Critical Path.On the basis of management decisions,resources may be added or redeployed to change the length of time of a current event critical path to yield a new one,thus gaining time by a trade-off involving increased costs. The final network is sometimes called the Master Project Network Plan.
8.System Structuring:-
Until we introduce the behavioral,and information concepts,we are still dealing with the rational aspects of organizing.We will cover various such rational system structures here.Early attempts at systems structures were matrix organizations typically found in technical development organizations. It gets its name because it is a two-way structure relating project mangers and functional mangers.Project managers exert planning, scheduling,and cost control authority over people who are permanently assigned to functional units.Thus,workers report to two managers,a violation of a classical principle. Simply,in large consumer product companies, product mangers have responsibilities for their products,whereas functional mangers are responsible for the functional activities for all products.Workers report to both product mangers their functional mangers.
9.Organizational decision:-
The introduction of teams and task forces has been an attempt to formalize lateral and network information flows required to solve system problems.One trend has been to partition the firm along several dimensions and to place responsibility with mangers for each dimension. Foe example,William C Goggin,chief executive officer of Dow Corning Corporation,presented a four-dimensional design of organization at Dow Corning.He has been got success via organizational decision.


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