

Business Management In Modeling & Fashion Industry Tips & Tricks Of Moneymantras9

You have to start your carrier as Fashion model then it  is manage in two ways : commercial and editorial aspect.Your mind set up is the very important to your carrier in this glamor world.The nine attitude your mind creations are :
i)  Positive in attitude:Positive attitude is the power that drives you to success. Developing and manifesting apositive attitude makes life happier and more successful.
ii) Self reliant:Having confidence in and exercising one's own powers or judgment. First Known Use of your creativity
iii) Organized:Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities. 2. Affiliated in an organization, especially a union that helps in your carrier.
iv) Ambitious:Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.Intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve.
v) Disciplined:discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple. Todiscipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a proper method.

vi) Confident:Confident is totally committed to developing sophisticated high quality equipment for Dentistry.Even if your physical appearance or social skills aren't what you wish they were, that doesn't have to stop you from being confident.
vii) Must have a poise & Move in style:
Good posture is seen to have many advantages. From an aesthetic point of view it can enhance image, sending out the right signals (body language). For an athlete it is seen to be essential. But what is a good posture? We recognise poor posture when we see it, as it is evident in the majority of adults regardless of athletic ability. But just to confuse the matter, people with an ideal 'plumb-line' posture can also have poor movement patterns. This is because it is not the shape that is important but how it is maintained. An apparent 'good' posture can be achieved with totally inappropriate muscular activity.
viii) Excellent at carrying oneself:Clothes represent so much more than looking fashionable and stylish. They have this uncanny way of reflecting our personalities, tastes, can define it as an act  is the main dramatic unit and a scene  isa division within an act.
ix)  Knowledge of self & Know the best angles:Try to know the best ways to control the mind. You have a new angle of vision. Arm yourself with discrimination, cheerfulness, .... The darkness of ignorance will be dispelled by the light of knowledge of the Self in this industry of fashion & modeling.
Label: fashion management,modeling management,modeling tips and tricks,business management in modeling,modeling industry steps,base camp modeling,hi fi modeling,hi tech modeling,proper way of modeling,asian tips of modeling.



The business management is covered  to create wealth for business owners by providing some value that consumers need. The process of business management involves 9 nos causes for illustrate :
1)Researching the market for profitable business opportunities:Discover the best and most profitable business ideas and opportunities. most small business authors and specialists focus so tiny on business selection is that they know tiny about the subject. Though vitally important, market research and analysis are topics most business authors, counselors, brokers and advisors have unsuccessful to study. Even some business planning consultants gloss over this crucial aspect of entrepreneurial success.
2) Developing strategies for marketing management:Many entrepreneurs incorrectly adopt this decision should be based largely on the existing technical skills, interests and experience they bring to the equation. Or they might have a friend or relative who claims, often inaccurately, that the business they own is a raving success, and simply decide to follow their lead. But there are far superior ways to plan for success.
3)Operations management or administrative management:Smart entrepreneurs also search for screaming success stories of oparation management. More than a dozen business publications, including Inc. Magazine, Business Week, and Fortune rank the fastest growing massive and small companies in the U.S. Some target hot growth businesses in Canada, Europe, South America, Asia or other countries and regions.
4)Financial management:For an individual who is financially independent and for whom earning an income (and a profit) from their new venture is secondary, this might be fine. But few planning a new business enjoy that luxury.
5)Implementing the strategies through planning: Business authors and specialists focus so tiny on business selection is that they know tiny about the subject. Though vitally important, market research and analysis are topics most business authors, counselors, brokers and advisors have unsuccessful to study. Even some business planning consultants gloss over this crucial aspect of entrepreneurial success.
6)Organizing & human resources management:An entrepreneur identifies a company growing as fast as 5,000 to 20,000 percent each three to five years, he or she thinks about how a new company might partner with or piggyback on that white-hot growth. They might slice off a niche, or become a supplier, dealer, representative, distributor or reseller. They brainstorm ways in which their own new company can tap into this hypergrowth. When I-Pods exploded on the scene a few years ago, smart entrepreneurs recognized the concurrent demand for accessories, and moved swiftly to respond with highly profitable new products.
7)Customer Relations:Wise business owners also study broad, societal trends, as well as trends within narrow industry and customer segments. They learn from futurists (management science consultants, about diverse global trends, risk management and emerging market) opportunities. Some of the ideal known futurists are Faith Popcorn, who wrote Clicking, Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock, and Patricia Dixon, whose website,, is read by thousands daily. Books, magazines (especially industry and trade publications) and websites offer a myriad of free and low cost on trends and the future.
8)Store Design & Displays:After homing in on a handful of rapid growth industry niches, the entrepreneur’s market research efforts continue with a search for market analysis reports targeted to those niches (many are free and acquirable from your public and university libraries). Successful owners also gather statistics on the product or service and its potential target customers. Much of this data is acquirable from the U.S. Agency of the Census, the IRS, the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Commerce Department and other federal agencies. Private sources offer data, too, usually more targeted, but at a price.
9)Motivating and control:Available information includes national, state, county, city and other geographical area statistics on income, total wealth, gender, age, ethnicity, employment, number of companies in the same product or service category, number of stores per company, square footage and square footage costs per store, profitability of companies in the trade or industry, risk of failure, and benchmarking data (typical income and itemized expenses for companies with revenue comparable to your firm’s anticipated revenue), and more.
There for , before you race down to register your business study or run to the store for office supplies, ask yourself this question: Am I satisfied that I’ve found a high demand, high profitability business, with costs I can control (or even cut below the industry benchmark), in a low competition niche that is suitable given a broad application of these skills, interests and experience and many more.


9 Steps to Implementing to Create a Successful Business Via Moneymantras9

1: Select tools/location/hosting service:
Most bloggers use online services to create and publish their blogs. All the services provide the necessary tools to easily create a blog, write regular postings to it, and make your blog postings available for viewing on the Web. The following are the most popular services:
a)Blogger ( is Google's free blogging service. 
b)LiveJournal ( from SixApart is a free blogging service, largely used for creating personal journals. 
c)Typepad (, another service from Six Apart, is used by many business blogs.
d)Movable Type ( provides more advanced site design and development capabilities. 
e)WordPress ( is a personal publishing platform for bloggers who want more sophisticated features.
Instead of creating a blog within one of the free public services, many companies host employee business blogs on their Web domain. Examples:
Sun Microsystems:,General Motors:,Microsoft: etc.Homegrown blogs require substantial technical support from a company's IT department.Placement in search engines, links from other blogs, and publicity are the key methods to generate visits to your blog.
2: Develop a content plan for launch:
Blogs gain audience, influence, and trust over time. Postings during the first few months should stake out the territory. The first 15-25 blog posts over the initial two to four weeks are designed to establish a presence, define the "subject" or "space" for the blog, and establish the credibility of the blogger. Like football coaches who script certain plays to start the game, the new business blogger is best advised to script the initial 25 posts before publishing the first one.
The initial posts also serve to develop a distinctive "voice" or style for the blog. Voice largely mirrors the real communications style of the blogger. Phony voices don't last on the Web. At least a few of the initial posts will begin to establish the blogger's positions on and attitudes toward corporate and industry issues. While both viewpoint and voice evolve over time, it's important to flash them early.
3: Make your debut:
First, establish a presence and build relationships by responding to posts in other blogs—and use those responses to start establishing your expert credentials, positioning, viewpoint, and "voice" or personality.The early posts are the rehearsals for the debut. The debut (the use of an entertainment term is intentional) is a posting designed specifically to attract widespread attention and generate buzz. A debut post—or series of posts—can accomplish that in myriad ways, including these: Important insight,Touching story,Humor,Far-out position,Provocation/attack,Inside look,And many more.
The key to a successful debut is to connect with the target audience and engage them. The quickest way to connect is to hit a hot button or to give a peek behind the corporate curtain.
4: Churn out that content/get a rhythm:
Worthwhile content—interesting ideas, insights, opinions, reports—is the heart of blogging. Ideally, you want to become a credible "go-to" blog—a recognized authority for your subject area. Keeping blog content substantive and fresh is critical to attracting and holding readers. Post frequently and consistently. Daily or even more frequently is best. Weekly at least.Not all posts need to be deep—but all should be interesting to your audience. Short posts with musings can be very effective. Insights don't have to be long—just worthwhile. After all, this is the Web, where readers are scanners and "short" is welcome and appreciated.
5: Follow the blog style/use links/stay on track:
An informal, conversational style dominates blog writing. It's what's expected—and corporate blogs that conform are more likely to succeed. Short, snappy sentences are in; long-winded "corporatese" is out. Concise is expected. Most bloggers use bullet points liberally.The goal is to make reading quick and easy—enabling readers to scan content. And provide links to stories or ideas you reference. That's the blog etiquette. Stay relevant. Keep on topic and on track. Straying from the selected subject inevitably causes followers to depart—and not return.
6: Be better/play nice:
Be better means:Have more interesting content than your competitors,Be more responsive than your competitors. Even marginally better often makes a big business difference (ref: iPod).
Play nice means:Always be civil. Bloggers thrive on strongly expressed opinion, but are put off by personal attacks. The blogosphere slices up and disposes of mean or rude people quickly. Never tell a lie and never try to hide information. You'll get caught, lose credibility, and never get it back.Say nice things about competitors. It disarms them and gains you points with others. Don't try to game the blogosphere. You're likely to lose. What's gaming? Creating a false personality, for one.
7: Invite response:
Enabling the target audience to respond is a defining characteristic of blogs. The key: Allow dissidents to participate but not dominate the discussion. In the give-and-take environment, bloggers need a thick skin and need to acknowledge mistakes—their own and their company's.Think twice about erasing negative comments by others—and then think again. Openness is vital in successful blogging. Inviting response means giving up some control of the message. Owning the blog, however, ensures that you have the last word.
8: Monitor consumer discussion:
Monitor regularly what the market is saying about your company, its products, people, competitors, and industry issues. Monitor not only blogs but also message boards, forums, and Usenet newsgroups.You can use one of the blog search engines such as Technorati (, PubSub ( , Google Blog Search (, BlogPulse (, and Feedster ( . You can also use RSS tools such as Bloglines ( or NewsGator (

The subscription media monitoring and measurement services provide more comprehensive and consistent coverage of consumer discussion than any single search engine and enable you to automatically save the posts for media measurement and analysis.
9: Enjoy the ride:
For most bloggers, blogging is a joy—and should be. For some bloggers, it's even a high. Companies are successfully deploying employee-written blogs to improve the corporate reputation and their connections to customers. Since many mainstream journalists monitor blogs, some companies have utilized their corporate blogs to get their message into the mainstream press. Bottom line: when approached correctly, business blogging does work!
Label: moneymantras9,business success mantras,business tools,online business mantras,business blogging,product blogging,business icon tips,business failures


Moneymantras9 Has Created 9 Business Mantras to All Business Personals Can Use To Get Success

Few years ago my Brother comforted me as I lay in bed terrified my business was going to fail - not from anything I'd done, but because none of my clients could pay me .It is designed for me when I was a  MBA student at M.K. University.I had allowed myself to create the business which came from a place of lack. I had a scarcity mindset and, as a result, had attracted that same type of client. That night I made several decisions:

1. My business would NOT fail:-
Once I stated this as a fact, rather a desire, my path became clear. I created a roadmap to success and followed it every step of the way.

2. I would marry belief and action:-
While I believed in the Law of Attraction, I had never married that belief with concrete action. Doing so allowed me to come from a place of true authenticity which, in turn, attracted my ideal clients

3. I would embrace the concept of abundance:-
I had an inbox full of emails with information "in case I needed them someday". I learned to embrace the theory of abundance and KNOW that the information would be there when I needed it. The day I hit "delete" on over 1,000 "cutting edge" business strategies is the day I became free.

4. I would learn to laser focus:-
My curse/ blessing as an entrepreneur was that I always had a new great idea and almost never *fully* completed any of them.
I started keeping an "idea notebook" on my desk for all those great ideas - I write and then go back to what I'm focused on and the ideas are there for when I want them.

5. I would read/listen to all the programs I had bought:-I had invested thousands upon thousands of dollars in programs which would help me succeed.Once the programs arrived however (they always took longer than I wanted), I was busy with something else and "would get to it".I set aside time each week to go through this material and committed to not purchasing anything new until I was sure I had scheduled the time to go through it.

6. Client satisfaction formula  :-
I have planned to set up clients satisfaction cell.

7.Manufacture or Assemble unit quota :-
I have decided to set up full furnished manufacture and assemble unit.

8.Distribution formula :-
I have decide to create a distribution method by experts.
9. Internal Management body :-
I have to form a internal body that will review my business from time to time .

Now this days the result of these Nine decisions in fornt of you  ? My practice filled to capacity, my income increased significantly and I had become consistent in my thoughts and actions.


How To Start Your Own Business With Supported By Risk Management

To Start a new small business is the dream of many people .The starting that business converts your dream into reality. But there is a gap between your dream and reality that can only be filled with careful planning. As a business owner, you will need a plan to avoid pitfalls, to achieve your goals and to build a profitable business. below you will find several useful guides to help you turn your new business into a success.
The following tricks & tips will help you to prepare a comprehensive business plan and determine if your idea is feasible, to identify questions and problems you will face in converting your idea into reality and to prepare for starting your business.
Operating a successful small business will depend on:
 A practical plan with a solid foundation,dedication and willingness to sacrifice to reach your goal,technical skills,basic knowledge of management, finance, record keeping and market analysis,As a new owner, you will need to master these skills and techniques if your business is to be successful.
These guide lines that will teach you all aspects of starting a small business:
1) Stay current:
Join an industry association related to your product or offering. Subscribe to all the magazines that cover your business. (They are tax deductible!) Look at joining an organization like NASE ( National Association of Self employed). They have great sources of advice and information as well as great discounts on insurance, rental cars, and other business expenses. Read and constantly be researching topics about your business. It's easy on the internet .
2) Make sure you have a financial plan:
Also a budget and a measurement process to keep track of how you are doing monthly . If you don't know where you stand financially and have no short term and long term financial goals, then you are just letting fate dictate your success and we know those odds aren't too good. Control your own destiny.
3Cash forecasting :
It sounds boring and difficult, but it's not. Keep it simple in new businesses. Look at your next 3 months projected income or revenue, then just lay next to it all the expenditures you need to keep the businesses running. The difference is your cash flow. You must do this to avoid surprises. Most businesses hit the brick wall because they fail to understand their cash flow.
4) Get an advisory board or a mentor :
Sounds crazy for a small operation? It's not! The board can be family members that you trust, or friends. Ask them to be your board of directors and review your business plans and results with them. Having someone to bounce ideas off and get an objective opinion is critical.
5) Maintain a balance between work, play and family:
This is critical for long term success. We all put in crazy hours on a short term basis to get a hot project done or the product out the door, but if you do this on a long term, regular basis it is a dangerous sign that you are losing perspective. You need to be able to step away on a regular basis and get your batteries re-charged. And also have time for family because if they suffer it is almost a sure bet your business will suffer too. New businesses ideas.
6) Make Network :
It's easy to get isolated in a home business or your own small business operation. Force yourself to get out and meet with others that can provide a business support structure for you. One of the benefits of a corporation is the workings of teams and the on going support structure it provides. You need to create that for yourself. Don't think you can do it all by yourself; By talking to others in business you will find out great ideas and it will help motivate you.
7Stay Motivated:
One of the hardest aspects of a small business or home based business is creating the discipline or motivation to work each day. It is so easy to get distracted and put off the essential tasks that need to get done. Keep your work place and hours separate from the rest of your responsibilities. Develop a to-do list EVERYDAY. Set goals for the week. Review how you are doing against them. We all struggle with this and it is one of the key elements of success when starting a business.
8) Don't rest on your laurels:
Be prepared to always change. New businesses require that you force change. Look for things to do more efficiently or how to improve your offering or product. Constantly evaluate your competition and benchmark yourself against them.
9) Do something you love:
If you are in a business that you hate, then it is a good bet you won't be successful. Find where your true talents and skills are and get in a business that exploits them. The saying," if you do what you love and the money will follow" is so true, especially for people considering starting a business . Remember success is more attitude than aptitude and never forget that failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.