

Elements of Global Information System & Marketing Agenda In Trade Environment

Global marketing is going hard harder as much as the information technology has reached every one's common life.Recent survey shows the major elements in the international marketing environment,this section is concerned with identifying market opportunities.However,as seen earlier,these markets may change with changing political stances,so it may be that Asia has to look further afield.This will involve uncertainty because the more unfamiliar the new opportunities sought,the greater the perceived risk of success.

Here I have tried to give the main elements of Information system in global marketing field.
I]Give an understanding of the way a global information system can help reduce uncertainty in decision making:-
Due to globalization in mutinational marketing ,the marketer is faced with a dilemma of having too much data and too little information.There is plenty of global data from sources like the World Bank,but often a lack of specific information on countries and markets.In helping to reduce uncertainty around decision making, precise information is the key,getting it is quite another thing.Whilst searching for opportunities globally,uncertainties will arise due to four main factors are lack of knowledge of the existence of possible new market alternatives,the conditions internal and external to the firm which will determine the consequences of a new alternative,what consequences these conditions when known may have for the firm,and how these consequences may be expressed in relevant terms of goal fulfilment.Uncertainty arises due to the time lapse between the decision and the outcome of the action decided on.When marketing domestically the system is fairly easy to learn.When crossing global boundaries the whole process is exaggerated by necessary paperwork, exchange rates,cash flows and transportation problems to name but a few.This uncertainty gives rise to the need for information.

II]Describe the process of global marketing research:-
The main elements of the information system
are Data may be specific or general or both and used for decisions on whether to enter markets or not,in what degree and what emphasis in terms of the marketing mix.General information includes data on the following 
as Economic,Sociocultural,Political,Technology ,Resources,Fiscal,Institutions,Managerial etc.Major factor of global marketing is Sources of information.
In recent years there has been an information explosion,especially in the documented,or "secondary"source area.(Primary data collection will be dealt with later).Various sources of documented data are available as Governments, Business,trade,professional,Foreign embassies, trade missions,Libraries,universities,colleges etc.Human sources is another factor of research.Executives based domestic and abroad, specific"look see"missions which are very important,and sales people,customers,suppliers, distributors,and government officials.This information is "internal"to the firm as opposed to documentary sources which are generally external.Most of the information is gathered on a face to face basis
III]See & show the problems associated with conducting global marketing research:-
Marketing research must bears three points such as Investigation(short term,specific data search),Research(formally organized effort to acquire specific information)and Continuous (formally gathering longitudinal data on a continuous basis using panels of respondents). These steps help to improve the analytical techniques for researching international market."Usual"methods include univariate methods(mean,median,mode,standard deviation), bi-variate methods(regression, correlation,cross tabulations),and multi variate methods(including multiple regression, cluster analysis,multiple factor indices and multidimensional scaling).Industrial growth patterns may give an insight into market demand.Statistics can be obtained from in country sources.Income elasticity measurements can describe the relationship between demand for goods and changes in income.Regional lead-lag analysis predicts what could happen to the pattern of demand in a considered country based on the pattern of demand in a leading country. Location of research facility is always a burning question as to where to locate the research,in-country or"at home".In general the more"distant"the country,the better it is to locate the research in-country.Surveillance techniques could,on the other hand,be mainly conducted at home.
Credit & References of this article:-
1.Carlson,S."How Foreign Is Foreign Trade?A Problem in International Business Research". ACTA Universitatis Upsalinsis,Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum,1975.
2.Hibbert,E.P."The Principles and Practice of Export Marketing".Heinneman,1985.
3.Albaum,G.,Strandskov,J.,Duerr,E.and Dowd,L" International Marketing and Export Management". Addison-Wesley,1989.
4.Haner."In International Marketing",S.J. Paliwoda Heinneman,1986.

5. Wind,Y.and Douglas,S."International Portfolio Analysis and Strategy:The Challenge of the -80s".Journal of International Business Studies,Vol.12 all),pp 69-82.
6. Ngirwa,W."Sisal Marketing in Tanzania:Current Constraints and possible solutions"December 1994 pp1-9.
7.Keegan,W.J."Global Marketing Management"4th ed.Prentice Hall International Edition,1989, p226.
8.Moyer,R."International Market Analysis". Journal of Marketing Research,November,1968.
9. Terpstra,V."International Marketing",4th ed. The Dryden Press,1987.
10.Warren J.Keegan"Global marketing management"pp 226-230.


Global Marketing Manager Should know about Computer Systems & Operating Methods

When we review the factors contributing to complexity in organizations and the advances in management that permit the application of the system approach,it becomes clear that vital changes lie ahead for the manger.
First,we know that the future will bring changes and that the changes will occur at an accelerated rate.Second,these changes will require more information more knowledge about our product,our customer,and about alternative ways to improve our effectiveness.And third,the requirement for more information will necessitate new methods and new procedures for gathering,retrieving,and evaluating this information for making vital decisions. 
It is not the purpose of the chapter to provide either a technical discussion or an in-depth treatment of the hardware or the operation of a computer.We believe that such an exposure is not essential for the manger-user.Just as the driver of an automobile can operate the vehicle without a sophisticated engineering knowledge of its engine,the manger can be quite closely involved in MIS design without a technical background in computer operation.
However,some familiarity with the computer and its role in the processing of information is desirable.The objective of the chapter is to explain the elements and operation of the computer sufficiently so that the manger-user can participate in systems deign.To do this,the manger should be able to accomplishment of his or her operational effectiveness.A secondary
 purpose is the help close the understanding and appreciation“gap”between mangers and computer professionals.The approach will be by analogy, making the transition from the commonplace and easily understood manual system to the more complex computer application.


9 Points Of Global Marketing & Real Life Success:Recent Survey Of Michigan State University

Success in marketing and as well as in real life depends some prime factors which are known to all but never care those.Michigan State University recently perform a survey on marketing and real life success theory.Today I am going to give a summary of that survey.This article tries to focus the main points of success in life via any legal method with disciplined criteria.

Here 9 points of success in marketing and real life. 
1.Working in a Diverse:- 
The survey of MSU is stated that Environment Learning from people who are different from one and recognizing the commonalities is an important part of education and essential preparation for the world where to join.
2.Managing Time and Priorities:-
MUS survey says that Managing how any one spends the time,and on what,is essential in today’s world.Learn how to sort priorities so it stays in control of own life.
3.Acquiring Knowledge:-
Learning how to learn is just as important as the knowledge itself.No matter what the future holds,it will continue to learn every day of life.
4.Thinking Critically:-
MSU survey has stated that Developing solid critical thinking skills means it will be confident to handle autonomy,make sound decisions,and find the connection between opportunities it has to learn and how those opportunities will affect in today and future.
5.Communicating Effectively:-
The survey has included Developing listening, interpreting,and speaking skills is just as important as reading and writing.
6.Solving Problems:-
It may only has thought about problemsolving when it is faced with a crisis.Understand the process and mind-set of successful problem-solving and it will more easily handle the bigger challenges that comes to the way of life.
7.Contributing to a Team in 
Across Boundaries:-
In the workplace each person’s contribution is
essential to success.Having the ability to work collaboratively with others is vital.This includes identifying individual strengths and harnessing them for the group,building consensus,knowing when to lead and when to follow,and appreciating group dynamics.Life is filled with boundaries—good and bad.Discover how to avoid the boundaries that become barriers so it doesn't hamper the ability to collaborate with other people.
8.Performing with Integrity with 
It only takes one bad instance to destroy years
of good faith and good relationships.It is important to develop a code of ethics and principles to guide to life.
Competencies The end of any project is the beginning of a new education.Build on what it is already known and keep learning new skills.Job will be challenged  to grow and develop in ways of life has n’t imagined.
9.Balancing Work and Life with Embracing Change:-
It has got a lot to accomplish in limited time. The key is maintaining balance among the different parts of life.Just about every aspect of life is in a constant state of change. Sometimes it may seem that no sooner do it gets caught up than it has to start all over again. No matter how it feels about change,it has to learn to deal with it.
The success of marketing comes through the success of real life.So it needs to well balanced with marketing and real life.When ever any one gets success in real life it is the sure he /she will gain the success in any project of domestic or global marketing fields.


Global Business Negotiation Keiretsu & Asian Countries Involvement Psychological 9 Points During The Dealings

Mastering the Asian Market is not a easy task as it has a lots of varieties people,customs and geographic differences.Asia is mainly divided in Three typologies.Firstly fully developed countries,developing countries and low grade countries.On the other had we can say East pacific Asia,South East Asia and Middle East Asia.Today I am going to discuss the nine points of business deals or negations in East pacific,South east Asian countries behavior and customs.My discussion covers Japan,China, Singapore,Malaysia,Taiwan and India.Before going to deal with Asian company(s).It needs to know 9 points of business deals with custom nature.Those are given bellow:-
i.Know the Keiretsu :-
Find everything you can about the people you plan to meet that is the Keiretsu.
ii.No hurry:-
Never except quick deal and be prepare many meeting to create good relationship.
iii.Small Talk:-
Your meeting should be small and talk only a few as environment wants.
iv.Avoid confrontation:-
Never give or take confrontation to any deals with your expectation.
v.Never deceived emotion:-
Asian people are normally emotional and sensitivities so they contain their emotions.
vi.Don't take nod of the head:-
A node of the head never means the 'YES' for Asian people.Simply it means you are in right point but it may not mean they take your point.
vii.Wait for a call to meet:-
A call from your Asian counterpart means you are going to trust by the Asian.
viii.Wait for vast discussion:-
It is shown that you may be dealing with a single person but he /she will discuss the matter with senior and junior too and there after take the decision.
ix.Consensus should not be undervalued:-
Recent activities of Asian countries show that once the negation is confirmed then every thing is going very fast.
Asian is the largest continent with highest population so it is no doubt having the largest market of everything those are produced by the fully developed western countries.It needs the value and culture of Asian countries to deal with Asian.Asian market takes flexibility, ambition and a long term commitment.
[Keiretsu is a Japanese word which means an alliance of industries with same related product or sevice]


9 Criteria Skills Of A Business Analyst ( BA ) Trends The Present Market As Well As Clients Too:A Review Of Moneymantras9 - 2012

Business Analyst job is not very easy task for today's world because maximum business establishment and personnel self trending process with them every where in the world.So A Business Analyst is must pointing following themes such as Business Agility,Innovation, Engagement of stakeholders to drive agility and innovation and many more.Today I am going to analyst top 9 skills those must needed to a BA in 2012 due to High Technological market.The needed skills to meet these trends in 2012:-
A)Conceptual Modeling Skills:-
Engage your stakeholders with more meaningful dialog!Conceptual Modeling of the business view of the solution has always been a critical tool to help bring business,technology,and delivery groups together in defining solution scope.I have had many BAs tell me that they do this and show me their conceptual models.What I find when reviewing the models is more of a technical architecture or data context diagrams.Technical architecture and data context diagrams have their place,but the critical skill I am seeing as a gap in BA skill sets is the business view(vs. technical view) of the solution scope,this will be critical to engaging stakeholders and setting the stage for innovation
B)Communicating Details and Concepts:- 
Similar to the conceptual modeling skills is communicating various levels of detail appropriate to the audience.This can be especially difficult when you have various stakeholder needs on the team or in the meeting,and many times multiple views is needed to ensure the right message is communicated to all audience needs.Where I see the gap today is details are not organized to be digestible and understandable to many audiences and there may be a lack of conceptual and context to accompany the details.Without the concept and context information,the details:even when well organized,may not be understood or thought of in with the frame of mind that the BA needs from the stakeholders.Rethink requirements packaging,does the same document need to go out to everyone?Or,can each audience be given a guide as to which pages/sections are most pertinent to them? Just a few ideas to help stakeholders consume what is important to them.
C)Curiosity :-
How curious are you as a BA ?This has always been a critical skill for BAs.Ensuring curiosity in finding the root cause of the problem or opportunity,getting the right audience,usage,context,purpose for requirements requires a strong level of curiosity in BA work.Curiosity will go far in 2012 for BAs wanting to build competency and skills in the world of mobile apps,cloud computing,and continuing agile trends. Curiosity will make some of the unknowns of today easier to work within,a curious mindset will take BAs into communicating the unknown and help organizations innovate.
D)Decomposing the Abstract into Details:-
I have to call this out separately from Conceptual Modeling and Communicating Details and Concepts.The same themes are in play, but yet executed a bit differently and in different scenarios.Decomposing the abstract into details is also referred to as "critical thinking" and sometimes"system thinking";taking something large,ambiguous,and abstract and breaking into smaller pieces,patterns,and views.It is about helping others see the details and big picture from different perspectives,helping stakeholders with varying points of view and priorities see where their details and others fit into the bigger picture.It will also help BAs better estimate and work with PMs on the status and risk of requirements.
E)Mentoring and Coaching :-
As the BA role becomes increasingly more valued in organizations,two things will happen firstly Organizations will need a career path for Sr. BAs,and secondly Organizations will need to develop internal strategies to develop more talent in the BA role and Sr.level skill set.Mentoring and coaching skills are key for Sr.BAs in both of these strategies.Mentoring and coaching done by Sr.BAs will develop leadership competencies in the Sr.BAs while developing BA competencies in new or more inexperienced BAs in the organization.Sr.BAs who have the opportunity to mentor and coach will develop further leadership competencies needed to elevate the competencies of the BA team as a whole.
F)Communicating Risks:-
Project Managers focus on risks to the project budget,schedule and scope.A BA needs to focus on risks to the business value of the solution and communicating the risk.BAs are in a prime position to see the details and big picture view,this includes seeing the risks to the project,delivering a solution that does not maximize business value.I find that BAs have an intuitive sense of this,but often struggle to communicate the risk in a way that gets leadership attention.In order to get leadership attention to the business value at risk,BAs will need to develop skills in communicating the true business impact of the risk.This means going beyond communicating in terms of the features and functionalities of the process or software,and going beyond that,there is not enough time for requirements to be done right. It means communicating the impact it will have on the business operation or strategy. For example,when the functionality of a point of sale application has a requirements conflict in the process of accepting payment from customers,the focus needs to turn to the impact of the conflict on the customer service representative's ability to serve the customers and the customer experience vs.the technical details at risk of the requirement. In the heat of requirements and design details, we often let the details drive risk discussions and never get to the bottom line impacts that can really propel leaders to make the right decisions.
G)Leveraging the parking lot:-
Are you running your meetings or are meetings and stakeholders running you? Many BAs get into tough situations in requirements meetings and feel that other agendas and personalities are driving their meetings astray.Using a "parking lot"(simple visual list of items that do not fit into the meeting agenda to be followed up on or scheduled into another meeting) to manage and control the meeting agenda,content,level of detail and difficult personalities is a key strategy.Most importantly,make sure that the parking lot is visible to everyone in the meeting. Having the parking lot in your notebook or on your laptop does not show others that you have their ideas and concerns captured to discuss at a later time. Be empowered to take control of your meetings.
H)Change Management:-
Embracing the BA role as an agent of change will continue to show the value the organization the value the BA role brings to the organization.Projects are about business change; the BA role is about bringing the most value possible in a solution to address the business change.The role of a change agent in the BA is critical to ensuring all impacted parties are ready for the changes needed to accept the solution.Understanding how changes and solutions impact the stakeholders operations,processes,attitudes and behaviors is a key skill in maximizing the success of the new solution and the business value it brings.
J)Asking WHY with 
Whiteboard Drawing:-
I love the word Why,but hate to use it.My challenge to readers of this blog is to help one another find ways to ask Why.Many times using the word Why can come across wrong to the other person,it can seem defensive and the other may wonder why (no pun intended)you are asking.Finding different ways to ask "why" can alleviate this dilemma.My favorite ways to ask "Why?":Tell me more about what is behind the need for abc? What does success look like? What would happen if this project does not get implemented?What are yours?On the other hand 
innovation,agility,and engagement are the trends,being able to spontaneously draw will lead to stakeholders to a deeper level of engagement.Getting up to draw shakes up the flow of boring meetings,engages others to focus back in on the discussion,and brings out humor. You don't have to be an artist to draw concepts on whiteboards that generate great dialog, discussion, creativity and innovation. It also does not have to be you that does the drawing  ask someone else to draw what they are thinking and your meeting will benefit in many of the same ways. 

It is not a thinking matter that what type of BA,no matter what the industry,these skills in 2012 will set your projects up for deeper engagement,innovation and agility.If any one wants to stay as BA in business world then must needs to capture these availability and skills.